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How did January go?


As we know, many people start new fitness goals in January. The problem is that January is a really busy, messy month. Not only is the very first day of January a STAT where most people are hung over, but the kids dont go back to school until at least the second week. Plus most of us are trying to get back into the swing of our normal work routine after being in holiday mode for the last month! And let's not forget how loooooong it is!

Historically, January just isnt the most successful month. But does this mean it's too late? NO!!

Remember that this new routine needs to be viewed as a new lifestyle. In order for that to happen, you need to be consistent - not perfect. So being the end of January, this is a perfect time to look back and reflect on what went well and where there is opportunity.

The first thing to remember is that having a negative nothing-can-go-right attitude will sink you. That is exactly the attitude that leads to having the same resolutions next year.

What went well?

I find it helpful to first of all find the bright spots in the month. Sit down and write down every time you made a decision with your goal in mind. How many workouts did you get in, how many healthy nutrition decisions did you make. Yes maybe it wasnt as many times as you wanted, but every time you make a healthy choice, you make a baby step toward the new life you want.

Where did you struggle?

This is important - This is not meant to make yourself feel like crap for every bad choice you made, but to find out why you made that choice. Take a look at the circumstances surrounding you not making the appropriate choice. For example, say you decided that you would bring a homemade lunch to work everyday. Then you find out that you have to go to at least 2 working lunches each week. This is beyond your control. So, how do you fit these lunches in to your new lifestyle? If you have a say in the location, maybe you choose restaurants that have healthier options. Or maybe you can find out where youre going and peruse the menu beforehand, choosing in advance what healthy choice you'll order.

Or maybe you planned to workout 5 days a week but end up working overtime most days. Either, you back that frequency off to 3 times a week until it becomes an easy habit, or you get up and workout in the morning so work can't interfere.

The point is, that rather than saying, 'oh January sucked. It'll never work!', you can reset your goals and your plan as circumstances in your life fluctuate. Hence the consistency.

This is what all successfuly fit people do. I personally plan each week as it comes - when can I work out; planning and prepping my lunch in advance; ordering a Hello Fresh box to align with my healthy dinner plans, etc. Every week looks different for me. And some weeks don't go as planned. But I don't beat mysefl up for it. I just get back on the schedule as planned the next day. I also don't allow a missed workout or an unplanned meal give me license to go off the rails for the rest of that day. The attitude that things have gone awry so the rest of the day is screwed is very dangerous. It has far reaching negative effects.

So take the time each month to reflect back. Look at the month with open curiosity - not judgment. Look for areas where you can make changes to make things work better for you. Yes this lifestyle is hard; but anything worth having is worth working for, right?

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