At some point we stop playing. Why? Maybe we get busy; maybe we get too self-conscious; maybe we get too concerned with being serious, worrying about our clothes getting dirty, feeling we have no time. It's sad really. Having a playful attitude and learning to play again can add so much to our quality of life.
But how? How do we get that attitude back, get the time, stop caring about getting dirty, stop worrying about what others think?
In my experience, the gym has become a place of play for me. It is a place where I can try things out. 'Can I lift that? Can I jump on that, climb on that, climb over that? Can I balance on that?'
Can it be embarrassing? I mean, ya. But who cares?? Everyone there is trying something out. Everyone there is wondering what they are capable of. Everyone there is also self-conscious. So really, they are worrying about themselves and not you.
The gym is one of the few places in society where adults can be dirty, sweaty, and fail at things with no judgement. It's the only place we can play. It's also the only place where we will increase health markers while having fun.
But don't forget, 'fun' is a mindset. You can't have fun if you go in with a negative attitude. If you spend so much time focusing on how hard it is, or all the other reasons you have not to go.
Put on your 'growth mindset' and hit the gym with fun in mind! You won't regret it.